I’ve survived my first acupuncture session.
In an effort to help my hypothyroidism and weird unidentifiable sciatica-like pain, I finally went and tried the procedure that I’ve been interested in for years but have been too chicken to try. It was actually quite pleasant, the needles don’t hurt unless they hit something really nasty; I’ve had more painful massage therapy sessions. My body felt pretty darn good throughout the whole procedure, although the sensations were definitely strange. As the treatment for hypothyroidism can be somewhat complicated and also involves dietary analysis, yesterday’s focus was on the odd line of pain I get down my left hamstring when I sit in office chairs.
This morning, my body was telling me a different story. Now maybe this is part of the whole process, but my leg has responded with great anger to the attempted treatment, and is sorer than ever. I remain hopeful that this is a normal aspect of acupuncture treatment, much like being sore the day after a good deep-tissue massage. But it ain’t fun, that’s for sure. Nor did the soreness and exhaustion help with my afternoon choreography practice, which means that I’ve got to do more choreo drilling at home. A solid practice and workout session is in the cards tonight, sore muscles be damned! Nothing seems to work quite as well for dealing with soreness than working it out.
Plus, to put it plainly, I need the dance practice more than I need to baby my muscles.
I’m curious to see what tomorrow will bring as far as the ramifications of acupuncture go. The next treatment session is on Monday, and will likely involve some thyroid work – I’m rather looking forward to the experience!
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